USS Pocono Association
USS Pocono AGC-16/LCC-16/JCC-16
USS Pocono Crew Photos 45'- 49' continued
These photo treasures were submitted by George F. Silvani
Admiral Blandy, CinCLantFlt inspecting "O" Division followed by George Silvani.
Far right: Mr. Sullivan Secretary of the Navy, right: SM1 Auger. 1948
Honorable Mr. Hess, U.S. Senator 1948
Mr. Sullivan, Secretary of the Navy 1948
Maurice Clarence Delker GMSN(1/c) Aug 19, 1944 to June 14, 1946
Above picture of crew members on board 1945 era. William Day BM3 2nd Div. 1945-1947.
Plank Owner card William Day.